Saturday, October 18, 2008

Japanese Kikumasmune Sake

Happened to see this interesting Japanese Matsuri Festival at Central Shopping Mall probably two weekends back. Matsuri means festival. Maybe the festival was to celebrate harvest of some sort. I did not ask further. So there was some celebration over at Central, nearer the end facing the Riverside Quay. The event was a rather short one. Japanese music were playing in the background and cocktails were served to everyone at the mall. At the auspicious time of 9pm, the Japanese danced and celebrated, followed by opening a big wooden cask of Japanese sake wine /of brand known as "Kiku-Masamune". (Supposedly this is a famous brand of Japanese dry sake!)

After the opening of the big wooden casks, the Japanese were crazily inviting everyone at the Mall to have a taste of the Japanese sake wine as celebration. The sake was scooped using wooden ladles from the big wooden casks and everyone was served tiny little glasses of the Japanese sake. Very interesting. There was a lot of Japanese fun and giggles! There were also booths providing information on tours to Japan at the mall. A lot of shoppers joined in the fun! So we did too... the sake was very aromatic despite it being a small glass. Very sweet and rather strong. I understand that the sake was kept in the wooden casks to absorb the cedar wood from it and so as to produce the refreshing and wonderful aroma. We had a tiny glass for sampling and would say thanks for the sweet sake experience - and cheers ! Arigatoo gozaimasu ne.

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